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Threads 1 - 20 of 4,322





Illegals starting fires in California
Democrats want more illegals, even criminals. They won't deport them even after committing crimes The homeless man tackled and zip tied b...

Red Dye #3 finally banned in the US
The US has finally caught up with the rest of the First World Nations and banned Red Dye #3... https://www.fda.gov/food/hf...sted drugs T...

Just as soon as President elect Donald America Trump jerks the top off our yuge can of instant deluxe MAGA woopass AND the bureaucracy cl...

looks like the orange man can't do what he promised.
Trump said it's impossible to control prices. The eggs are going up. Cars will keep going up. All those pardons he promised, not going to...

De je vus
About 90 yrs ago a group of powerful men aided a psychopath to take over a nation. They were under the misapprehension that once he was i...

Democrats Watch Biden while you can
Yes, as he mutters his way into the history books, making no sense at all of anything he is saying a contest has arrived. Will CNN last u...

Global Warming forces Inaugural Indoors

Bestest Ever Democrat Chief Elevates Wimmin to Equal Status with Dudes

Trump team ‘having a good laugh’ over Michelle Obama’s ‘deliberate’ decision to skip inauguration: ‘
'Didn't expect her to come anyway' She is totally devoid of any class whatsoever. https://pagesix.com/2025/01...uguration

Biden handles 2500 more sentences
https://www.foxnews.com/pol...presidency See spot run, run spot run. Jane can run up hill with Jack. Watch Jane run. and 2497 more just l...

Sneaky *** leftists.

Where does the Bible say anything about the Holy Trinity?
I can't find anywhere that Jesus or his apostles say that Jesus is God, or anything about a Trinity at all. It seems like this was a conc...

What will Joe Biden be doing Next Friday ?
You can bet he doesn't know either.

Biden Farwell Speech
In one of the last farwell speeches of his presidency, Joe Biden boasted repeatedly of his successful term and how good he was leaving it...

Bernie Sanders no longer opposes millionaires
https://finance.yahoo.com/n...23750.html But.... he still opposes billionaires https://www.foxbusiness.com...y comments

January 20, 2025
The day Democrats have a meltdown. MAGA2025🇺🇸

Joe Biden is worried about the future of our Democracy
A Democracy without Merrick Garland putting his thumb on the scales of justice A Democracy where the Supreme Court is Supreme, when they ...

10 more Days
How much damage can Biden do in 240 hours?

Joe Biden is the best President....A Criminal ever Had
Birds of a feather https://www.foxnews.com/pol...presidency

CRFB study finds that Trump economy will make Social Security insolvent by 2031
President Trump's proposals to eliminate taxation of Social Security benefits, end taxes on tips and overtime, impose tariffs, and expand...


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