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Be proud, our senator is ranked the most moderate


Posted 9:11 pm, 08/06/2014

Republikkkans are embarrassed Mel Tillis is going to lose to a girl ROTFLMAO


Posted 9:08 pm, 08/06/2014

You have to show up to stand up

wrestlers Grandpa

Posted 9:07 pm, 08/06/2014

Richard Burr is a puppet for the far right he is so afraid of his own shadow....says one thing does another....or just sits there and nods his head up and down to anything the far right says.....what he doing on the Veterans Committee is beyond me....he has not served his country in uniform and then had the gaul to walk out of veterans group spokesmen at a hearing these men who served in WWII Korea Viet-Nam. Dessert Storm Iraq, Afganistan .... then returns and has the stupidity to say to these men to their faces that he does not believe them.....but once again GOP in this state will shout support your troops but not on my dime....unless its a member of their family then its a different tune......Kay Hagen at least stood up the our service men and women.....go on deny she has not....

Cale Yarborough

Posted 7:52 pm, 08/06/2014

Only moderately repulsive.

sparkling water

Posted 7:43 pm, 08/06/2014

Might be OK if it was just so.

alonzo harris

Posted 7:36 pm, 08/06/2014

HYPOCRISY ALERT: The following is a press release Kay Hagan's campaign sent out on August 4, 2008, just one of the countless examples of Hagan criticizing her opponent for being "ineffective" and "out of touch" after voting with the President 92 percent of the time. Hagan then went to Washington and proceeded to rubber-stamp President Obama's partisan liberal agenda a staggering 95 percent of the time over the last six years.
The astonishing double standard begs an awkward question: Does Kay Hagan still think that voting with the President 95 percent of the time �doesn't work here in North Carolina?'
- See more at: http://thomtillis.com/451/#...1Ocud.dpuf


Posted 5:52 pm, 08/06/2014

And its not Raymond Burr either LOL

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